Subject: Theology
Title: Comment. on the Creed
Subject: Theology
Title: Index to a theology text
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Ps. Bernardus Claraevallensis
Title: Meditationes de humana conditione
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Augustinus
Title: Encheridion
Subject: Grammar
Author of work: Eberhardus Bethunensis
Title: Graecismus
Subject: Grammar
Author of work: Eberardus Bethunensis
Title: Graecismus
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Adam de Bockfield
Title: Notule magistri Ade de bocfeld super librum phisicorum'
Subject: History
Author of work: Josephus
Title: Antiquitates Judaicae
Subject: Biblica
Title: Matthaeus, glossed
Subject: Grammatical
Title of work: Elementarium doctrinae rudimentum
Author of work: Papias
Place of production: England