Subject: Civil Law
Title: Comment. on Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Pastoralia
Author of work: Raymundus de Pennafort
Title: Summa de poenitentia
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Ps. Bernardus Claraevallensis
Title: Meditationes de humana conditione
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Hugo de Folieto
Title: De claustro animae
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Herman de Valenciennes
Title: Histoire de la Bible
Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Herman de Valenciennes
Title: Histoire de la Bible