Subject: Vitae sanctorum
Author of work: Jacobus de Voragine
Title: Legenda sanctorum
Subject: Ecclesiastica
Title: Processus eleccionis' Willelmi Edendon, episcopi Wintoniensis, a.d. 1345
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Thomas Walden
Title: Doctrinale fidei
Subject: Civil Law
Title: Commentary on Codex Justiniani
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Antiqua compilatio decretalium III
Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Nicholaus de Lyra
Title: Postilla super Matthaeum
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Thomas Chillenden
Title: Comment. in Sextum librum decretalium
Subject: Civil Law
Title: Comment. on Codex Justiniani
Subject: Philosophy
Title: Index to a philosophical work
Subject: Pastoralia
Author of work: Johannes de Burgo
Title: Pupilla oculi