Subject: Medicine
Author of work: Henry of Montpellier (?)
Title: Summa (exc.)
Subject: Common law
Title: Dispensatio Willelmi Larednar ad exercendum officium notarii publici
Subject: Canon Law
Title: text of canon law
Subject: Theology
Title of work: Scriptum super libros Sententiarum (Opus Oxoniense)
Author of work: Iohannes Duns Scotus
Subject: Theology
Title of work: Scriptum super libros Sententiarum (Opus Oxoniense)
Author of work: Iohannes Duns Scotus
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Hebrews
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Gloss on Hebrews
Author of work: Peter Lombard (d. 1160)
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Gloss on Hebrews
Author of work: Peter Lombard (d. 1160)
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Gloss on Hebrews
Author of work: Peter Lombard (d. 1160)
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Hebrews
Place of production: England