Subject: Hagiography
Title of work: Historia monachorum in Aegypto
Author of work: Rufinus of Aquileia (translator)
Place of production: England
Subject: Grammar
Author of work: Johannes Balbus
Title: Catholicon
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Walter Burley
Title: Comment. in Politica Aristotelis
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Gescelinus
Title: Comment. in constitutiones Clementinas
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Commentary on canon law
Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Nicholaus de Lyra
Title: Postillae in Epistolas Pauli
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Treatise on canon law
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Bartholomaeus Anglicus
Title: De proprietatibus rerum
Subject: Sermons
Author of work: Guido Ebroicensis
Title: Sermones