Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Petrus Lombardus
Title: In Psalmos
Subject: Devotion
Title: Prick of Conscience
Subject: Devotion
Title: Prick of Conscience
Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Nicholaus de Lyra
Title: Postillae in 1 Macchab.
Subject: Moral philosophy
Author of work: Petrus Berchorius
Title: Repertorium morale
Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Nicholaus de Lyra
Title: Postillae in Prophets minores
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Bernardus de Botone Parmensis
Title: Casus longi super Decretales
Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Nicholaus de Lyra
Title: Postillae in Ezechielem