Subject: Medicine
Place of production: S. France or N. Italy
Subject: Philosophy
Title of work: Metaphysica, tr. William of Moerbeke
Author of work: Aristotle
Place of production: England
Subject: Grammar
Author of work: Johannes Balbus
Title: Catholicon
Subject: Grammar
Author of work: Johannes Balbus
Title: Catholicon
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Bartholomaeus Anglicus
Title: De proprietatibus rerum
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Aristoteles
Title: De caelo et mundo (liber 3) cum comment. Averrois
Subject: Philosophy
Title: Questiones super libros de generacione et corrupcione', &c.
Subject: Grammar
Author of work: Maffeus Vegius
Title: De verborum significatione
Subject: Medicine
Author of work: Aegidius Corboliensis
Title: De urinis