Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Hieronymus
Title: In Prophetas minores
Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Beda
Title: In Cantica canticorum
Subject: Epistolae
Author of work: Gregorius I
Title: Registrum
Subject: Moral philosophy
Author of work: Petrus Berchorius
Title: Repertorium morale
Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Nicholaus de Lyra
Title: Postillae in Prophets minores
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Aristoteles
Title: Analytica posteriora
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Gregorius I
Title: Moralia
Subject: Vitae sanctorum
Author of work: Jacobus de Voragine
Title: Legenda sanctorum
Subject: Astrology
Title: Tractatus vij' of an astrological work
Subject: Biblica
Title: Biblia cum glossa ordinaria