Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Bernardus de Botone Parmensis
Title: Casus longi super Decretales
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Comment. on Antiqua compilatio decretalium I
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Commentary on canon law
Subject: Ecclesiastica
Title: Processus eleccionis' Willelmi Edendon, episcopi Wintoniensis, a.d. 1345
Subject: History
Author of work: Ranulphus Higden
Title: Polychronicon
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Commentary on Decretals
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Questions on canon law
Subject: Biblica
Title: Commentary on Psalms
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Augustinus
Title: Contra Epistolam Manichaei
Subject: Grammar
Author of work: Johannes Balbus
Title: Catholicon