Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Bartholomaeus Anglicus
Title: De proprietatibus rerum
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Johannes Canonicus
Title: Comment. in Physica Aristotelis
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Johannes Canonicus
Title: Comment. in Physica Aristotelis
Subject: Grammar
Author of work: Johannes Balbus
Title: Catholicon
Subject: Medicine
Author of work: Galienus
Title: De ingenio sanitatis
Subject: Medicine
Author of work: Galienus
Title: De tactu pulsus
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Boethius
Title: Commentarium in Analytica posteriora Aristotelis
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Robertus de Euremodio
Title: Cato moralizatus
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Walter Burley
Title: In Ethica Aristotelis
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Walter Burley
Title: In Ethica Aristotelis