Subject: Pastoralia
Author of work: Hugo de S. Victore
Title: De sacramentis
Subject: Sermons
Author of work: Bernardus Clarevallensis
Title: Sermones super Cantica canticorum
Subject: Pastoralia
Author of work: Ricardus de Wetheringett
Title: Summa 'Qui bene presunt'
Subject: Common law
Title: Legal proceedings
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Index to provincial constitutions
Subject: Medicine
Title: Medicine
Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Nicholaus de Lyra
Title: Postillae super Genesim
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Plato
Title: De republica (interprete P. Candido Decembrio)
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Kalendarium
Subject: Pastoralia
Author of work: Johannes de Friburgo
Title: Summa confessorum