Subject: Biblica
Title: Comment. on St. Matthew (?)
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Ps. Augustinus
Title: Sermones ad fratres in heremo
Subject: Pastoralia
Author of work: Ricardus de Wetheringett
Title: Summa 'Qui bene presunt'
Subject: Sermons
Title: Sermons on the gospels
Subject: Theology
Title: Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard
Subject: Theology
Title: Scholastic theology
Subject: History
Author of work: Vincentius Bellovacensis
Title: Speculum historiale
Subject: Pastoralia
Author of work: Johannes de Friburgo
Title: Summa confessorum
Subject: Theology
Title: Index to the Sentences of Peter Lombard
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Thomas Aquinas
Title: Expositio secundi libri Sententiarum