Subject: Theology
Author of work: Augustinus
Title: De doctrina christiana
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Plato
Title: De republica (interprete P. Candido Decembrio)
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Johannes Andreae
Title: Comment. in Sextum librum Decretalium
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Plato
Title: De republica (interprete P. Candido Decembrio)
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: G. de Baysio
Title: Comment. in Decretum Gratiani
Subject: Grammar
Author of work: Alexander de Villa Dei
Title: Doctrinale
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Augustinus
Title: De sancta virginitate
Subject: Medicine
Author of work: Galienus
Title: De ingenio sanitatis
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Plato
Title: De republica (interprete P. Candido Decembrio)
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Augustinus
Title: De duabus animabus