Subject: Philosophy
Title: Definitions of philosophical terms
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Avicenna
Title: De intelligentis
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Avicenna
Title: De intelligentis
Subject: Classics
Author of work: Cicero
Title: De inventione rhetoricae
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Aegidius Romanus
Title: De regimine principum
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Augustinus
Title: De trinitate
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Augustinus
Title: De trinitate
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Thomas Wallensis
Title: Comment. in Augustinum de Civitate Dei
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Aristoteles
Title: De memoria et reminiscentia
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Aristoteles
Title: De memoria et reminiscentia