Subject: Canon Law
Title: Index to provincial constitutions
Subject: Sermons
Title: Sermo in visitacione religiosorum precipue monachorum', &c.
Subject: History
Author of work: T. Livius
Title: Decad. 1, cum commento Nicholai Trivet
Subject: Pastoralia
Author of work: Petrus Lemovicensis
Title: De oculo morali
Subject: Classics
Author of work: Ps. Ovidius
Title: De vetula
Subject: Classics
Author of work: Ovidius
Title: Metamorphoses
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Averroes
Title: De spmpno et vigilia, De longitudine et brevitate vitae, De generatione et corruptione
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Avicenna
Title: De intelligentis
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Avicenna
Title: De intelligentis
Subject: Common law
Author of work: Ranulf de Glanville
Title: Tractatus de legibus