homilies on Exodus 17 (PL Supplementum iv, col. 685-686, silently quoting Chrysostom and Rupert of Deutz [PL, clxvii, col. 670]))
'[col. a] inimici dirigitur cuius ... beneficijs dignatur. leccio v. Et factum est inquit cum leuaret manus ... pugnat. Moyses enim et [col. b] contra hominem ... oportet dicit necess¦¦'
Near-full folio, cropped at right to lose margin and one letter
Fully ruled in lead, top two and bottom two horizontals crossing reservation, all others confined by the bounding lines
One two-line initial to open 'lectio v', blue on red pen-flourished background.
POxBo, no. 1681.6.
330mm (h) x 198mm (w)