Title of volume:
The Lawes and Actes of Parliament, maid be King James
Place of publication: Edinburgh
Printer of publication: Robert Waldegrave
Date of publication: 1597
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Minor Prophets (Hebrew)
Place of publication: Antwerp
Printer of publication: Christopher Plantin
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Tractatus de potestate summi pontificis
Place of publication: Cologne
Printer of publication: Bernardus Gualtherus ('Sumptibus Bernardi Gualtheri')
Date of publication: 1611
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
De subtilitate
Place of publication: Frankfurt
Printer of publication: Claudius Marnius et Ioannes Aubrius
Date of publication: 1592
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Opus aureum, ornatum omni lapide pretioso singulari
Place of publication: Venice
Printer of publication: Marcus Antonius Zalterius
Date of publication: 1598
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
De quinquepartita conscientia
Place of publication: Douai
Printer of publication: Iohannes Bogardus
Date of publication: 1598
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Libri decem de iustitia et iure
Place of publication: Lyon
Printer of publication: Carolus Pesnot
Date of publication: 1582
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Opuscula theologica
Place of publication: Lyon
Printer of publication: Horatius Cordon
Date of publication: 1600
Number of manuscripts represented: 2
Title of volume:
Opera theologica (vol. 1)
Place of publication: [Heidelberg]
Printer of publication: In officina Sanctandreana
Date of publication: 1608
Number of manuscripts represented: 2