Host Volume

Canterbury: Cathedral Library, W/P-6-1

Publication Details
Type of host
printed book retaining early binding
Title of volume

Itinerarium Antonini Augusti

Bibliographical reference for printing

USTC 668379


Cologne: 'In officina Birckmannica sumptibus Arnoldi Mylij', 1600

Binding Information
Binding style
blind-stamped, centrepiece
Binding detail

Ker centrepiece iii.

Sewn on four bands.


Place of binding


Date range for binding


Hosting Information
Number of fragments


Number of manuscripts represented

1 (with one incunable fragment: see Bibliography)

Further Information

Former shelfmark: S.11.1.

Bibliography for volume

PoXBo, sub no. 1486.

Front pastedown provides De Officiis, III.xlv-xlvii, the lower left corner of a leaf from the Mainz 1466 printing on parchment: ISTC ic00576000; this copy is noted by David Shaw on the Material Evidence in Incunabula website. Two other fragments, presumably from the same copy, were sold by Quaritch, Incunabula, catalogue 1111 (1991), no. 23. Both are now in private hands. One of those fragments has marks from a chain-staple in a style and with measurements commensurate with those found on the books of Magdalen College, Oxford. 

Author: David Rundle_