Subject: Unidentified
Title of work: unidentified (section on 'de radicibus')
Place of production: England
Subject: Biblica
Title: Comment. on St. Matthew (?)
Subject: Biblica
Title: The Heptateuch
Subject: Theology
Title: Theological commentary
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Petrus Lombardus
Title: Sententiae
Subject: Philosophy
Title: Philosophical questions
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Thomas Aquinas
Title: Catena aurea in Lucam
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Thomas Aquinas
Title: Catena aurea in Lucam
Subject: Topography
Title: Mirabilia Angliae
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Service-book
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Augustinus
Title: In Psalmos
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Breviarium
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Graduale
Subject: Civil Law
Title: Treatise on civil law
Subject: Medicine
Title: herbale
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Digestum infortiatum
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Plato
Title: De republica (interprete P. Candido Decembrio)
Subject: Biblica
Title: Biblia
Subject: Theology
Title: Commentary on Jerome's preface to I Kings
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Breviarium cum notis
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Breviarium cum notis
Subject: Medicine
Title: Medicine
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Breviarium
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Breviarium cum notis
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Thomas Aquinas
Title: Summa theologiae
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Petrus Lombardus
Title: Sententiae
Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Petrus de Riga
Title: Aurora
Subject: Philosophy
Title: Index or table to a commentary on Aristotle
Subject: Biblica
Title: Biblia
Subject: Logic
Title: Logic
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Petrus Lombardus
Title: Sententiae
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Breviarium
Subject: Philosophy
Title: De septem vitiis
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Biblica
Title: Liber Iudicum glo.
Subject: Theology
Title: Commentary on bk. 4 of the Sentences
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Aristoteles
Title: Politica
Subject: Biblica
Title: Commentary on Gospels
Subject: Theology
Title: Commentary on bk. 4 of the Serntences of Petrus Lombardus
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Breviarium
Subject: Biblica
Title: Biblia
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Reymundus de Peniaforti
Title: Summa cum comment.
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Expositio missae (?)
Subject: Philosophy
Title: Questions on natural philosophy
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Theology
Title: Theological questions
Subject: Theology
Title: Commentary on bk. 2 of the Sentences
Subject: Pastoralia
Author of work: Johannes de Burgo
Title: Pupilla oculi
Subject: Biblica
Title: Marcus glo.
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Missale
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Petrus Lombardus
Title: Sententiae
Subject: Biblica
Title: Commentary on Apocalypse (?)
Subject: Theology
Title: Scholastic theology
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Graduale
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Thomas Aquinas
Title: Summa theologiae
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Gregorius I
Title: Dialogi
Subject: Biblica
Title: Biblia
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Henricus de Gandavo
Title: Quodlibeta
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Lectionarium
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Title: [no title assigned]
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Antiphonale
Subject: Biblica
Title: Commentary on Psalms
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Treatise on canon law
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Liber sextus decretalium
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Antiphonale
Subject: Civil Law
Title: Commentary on civil law
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Commentary on Decretals
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Petrus Lombardus
Title: Sententiae
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Missale cum notis
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Breviarium cum notis
Subject: Civil Law
Title: Commentary on civil law
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Henricus de Gandavo
Title: Quodlibeta
Subject: Computus
Title: Text and tables on the computus
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Service-book
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Sermons
Title: Sermon
Subject: Astronomy
Title: Astronomy
Subject: Astrology
Title: Tractatus vij' of an astrological work
Subject: Law
Title: Registrum brevium
Subject: Dictionary
Title: Dictionary
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Herman de Valenciennes
Title: Histoire de la Bible
Subject: Sermons
Title: Sermones
Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Herman de Valenciennes
Title: Histoire de la Bible
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Noted service-book
Subject: Logic
Title: Logic
Subject: Logic
Title: Logic (?)
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Comment. on decretals
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Nicolaus de Lyra
Title: Postillae in Epp. Pauli
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Liber sextus decretalium
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Noted service-book
Subject: Theology
Title: Scholastic theology
Subject: Hagiography
Title: Life of B.V.M. (?)
Subject: Grammar
Title: Grammatical verse
Subject: Biblica
Title: Matthaeus glo.
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Noted service-book
Subject: Documentary
Title: Bookseller's/stationer's accounts, dated June--August 1600
Subject: Theology
Title: Dives and Pauper
Subject: Documentary
Title: Bookseller's/stationer's accounts, dated 1599--1600
Subject: Theology
Title: Commentary on Sentences
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Breviarium cum notis
Subject: Medicine
Title: Medica
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Graduale
Author of work: vacant
Title: vacant
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Liber sextus Decretalium
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Liber sextus decretalium
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Thomas Aquinas
Title: Commentaria in Metaphysica Aristotelis
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Petrus Lombardus
Title: Sententiae
Subject: Biblica
Title: Ezechiel. Daniel glos.'
Subject: Philosophy
Title: Commentary on the Physics of Aristotle
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Breviarium
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Graduale
Subject: Music
Title: [no title assigned]
Subject: Biblica
Title: Biblical commentary
Subject: Medicine
Title: Medical
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Sermons
Author of work: Guido Ebroicensis
Title: Sermones
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Aristoteles
Title: Analytica posteriora
Subject: Grammar
Author of work: Hugutio
Title: Magnae derivationes
Subject: Sermons
Title: Sermones
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Petrus Lombardus
Title: Sententiae
Subject: Medicine
Author of work: Galen
Title: Tegni Galieni'
Subject: Medicine
Author of work: Isaac
Title: Dietae particulares
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Philosophy
Title: Ethics (?)
Subject: Medicine
Title: Medicine
Subject: Medicine
Title: Medicine
Subject: Medicine
Title: Medicine
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Author of work: Unknown
Title: unknown
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Commentary on Decretals
Subject: Grammar
Author of work: Hugutio
Title: Magnae derivationes
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Digestum novum
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Missale
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Breviarium cum notis
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Breviarium
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Breviarium cum notis
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Kalendarium
Subject: Devotion
Author of work: John Lydgate (?)
Title: Pilgrimage of the Soul
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Noted service-book
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Devotion
Author of work: Ps. Bonaventura
Title: Mirror
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Petrus Lombardus
Title: In Psalmos
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Commentary on Decretum Gratiani
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Gregorius IX
Title: Decretales
Subject: Science
Author of work: Alhazen
Title: Optica
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Digestum
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Lectionarium
Subject: Biblica
Title: Biblia
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Petrus Lombardus
Title: Sententiae; Theology
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Thomas Aquinas
Title: Expositio quarti libri Sententiarum Petri Lombardi
Subject: Biblica
Title: Comment. on Genesis
Subject: Biblica
Title: Evangelia
Subject: Theology
Title: Theology
Subject: Biblica
Title: Subject index to biblical passages
Title: Ruled blank leaves, numbered in a medieval hand '116' and '119'
Subject: Documentary
Title: Gesta Johannis Whethamstede abbatis S. Albani
Author of work: Unknown
Title: Unknown
Subject: Verse
Title: Richard Lion-heart
Subject: Civil Law
Title: Digestum infortiatum
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Breviarium
Subject: Medicine
Title: Medicine
Subject: Monastica
Author of work: Johannes Whethamstede
Title: Institucio ciste communis'
Subject: Monastica
Author of work: Johannes Whethamstede
Title: Institucio magistri operarie'
Subject: Monastica
Title: Process of election of Abbot Whethamstede, a.d. 1420
Subject: Epistolae
Author of work: Johannes Whethamstede
Title: 'Responsio abbatis'
Subject: Biblica
Title: Epistolae Pauli
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Aristoteles
Title: Meteora