Subject: Theology
Title: Extract from 'in libro de mysteriis', &c.
Subject: Philosophy
Title: Notule magistri Ade de bocfeld super librum phisicorum'
Subject: Theology
Title: De conflictu vitiorum et virtutum
Subject: Theology
Title: Sermo beati Augustini de eo quod nichil sit gloria mundi et de elemosynis faciendis'
Subject: Biblica
Title: Bible, with didactic rubrics attrib. Ailred of Rievaulx
Subject: Monastica
Title: Process of election of Abbot Whethamstede, a.d. 1420
Subject: Theology
Title: Commentary on bk. 1 of Sentences of Peter Lombard (?)
Subject: Liturgy, Music
Title of work: Mass, with plainchant
Place of production: England
Subject: Liturgy, Music
Title of work: Mass, with plainchant
Place of production: England