Subject: Law, Unidentified
Subject: Law, Canon Law
Title of work: Decretum
Author of work: Gratian
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Exodus, with gloss
Place of production: England
Subject: Law, Civil Law
Title of work: Digestum (Infortiatum), with gloss (unidentified, Accursius?)
Author of work: Justinian
Place of production: Italy
Subject: Theology, Unidentified
Title of work: Commentary
Subject: Hagiography
Title of work: Historia monachorum in Aegypto
Author of work: Rufinus of Aquileia (translator)
Place of production: England
Subject: Natural History
Title of work: Reductorium morale
Author of work: Pierre Bersuire (Petrus Berchorius)
Place of production: England (?or Paris)
Subject: Philosophy
Title of work: Metaphysica, tr. William of Moerbeke
Author of work: Aristotle
Place of production: England
Subject: Medicine
Place of production: England
Subject: Liturgy
Title of work: Early Missal with Hymnal
Place of production: England