Subject: Biblica
Title: Ezechiel glo.
Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Nicholaus de Lyra
Title: Postillae in Epistolas Pauli
Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Gregorius I
Title: Homiliae in Ezechielem
Subject: Biblica
Author of work: Nicholaus de Lyra
Title: Postillae in Epistolas Pauli
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Thomas Aquinas
Title: Expositio metaphysicorum Aristotelis
Subject: Astronomy, Unidentified
Subject: Canon Law
Title of work: Decretales
Author of work: Gregory IX, pope 1227-41
Place of production: England
Subject: Canon Law
Title of work: Decretales
Author of work: Gregory IX, pope 1227-41
Place of production: England