Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Johannes Andreae
Title: In Sextum librum decretalium
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Beda
Title: De tabernaculo
Subject: Grammar
Author of work: Maffeus Vegius
Title: De verborum significatione
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Thomas Aquinas
Title: Expositio primi libri Sententiarum
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Johannes Duns Scotus
Title: Expositio primi libri Sententiarum
Subject: Theology
Title: Table to a theological work
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Service-book
Subject: Law, Unidentified
Subject: Law, Unidentified
Subject: Hagiography
Title of work: Historia monachorum in Aegypto
Author of work: Rufinus of Aquileia (translator)
Place of production: England