Title of volume:
Acta et scripta theologorum wirtembergensium
Place of publication: Wittenburg
Printer of publication: officina haeredum Iohannis Cratonis
Date of publication: 1584
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Sermons sur les trois premiers chapitres du Cantique des Cantique, de Salomon
Place of publication: [Geneva]
Printer of publication: Jean le Preux
Date of publication: 1586
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Practica exorcistarum
Place of publication: Venice
Printer of publication: Robertus Meiettus
Date of publication: 1606
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Analysis isagogica seu Isagoge analytica ad lectionem primae et secundae classis librorum Veteris Testamenti...; [bound with] Isagoge ad lectionem librorum Novi Testamenti omnium...
Place of publication: Bern
Printer of publication: Jean le Preux
Date of publication: 1607; 1605
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Actio in pontifices Romanos
Place of publication: Leipzig
Printer of publication: Gotthard Vögelin & Philipp Vögelin ('Editione Voegeliniana')
Date of publication: [1600]
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
In sacram Beati Ioannis Apostoli, & Euangelistae Apocalypsin Commentarij.
Place of publication: Antwerp
Printer of publication: Pierre Bellère ('apud Petrum Bellerum, sub scuto Burgundiae')
Date of publication: 1593
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Praescriptionum Adversus Haereticos ...
Place of publication: Mainz
Printer of publication: Johann Albin ('ex officina typographia Ioannis Albini)
Date of publication: 1602
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
De Nestorianismo et de Eutycheismo...
Place of publication: Wittenberg
Printer of publication: Zacharias Lehmann
Date of publication: 1594
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Commentarii in Ecclesiasten
Place of publication: Mainz
Printer of publication: Balthasar Lippius ('apud Balthasarum Lippium, Sumptibus Ioannis Crithij')
Date of publication: 1607
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Tomus primus. Selectarum disputationum in sacram scripturam...
Place of publication: Venice
Printer of publication: 'apud Societatem Venetam'
Date of publication: 1601
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
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