Title of volume:
Clarissima et facillima in quatuor sacra Iesu Christi Evangelia ... scholia
Place of publication: Paris
Printer of publication: Carole Guillard (et uidua Claudii Cheuallonii, et Guilelmus Desboys)
Date of publication: 1552
Number of manuscripts represented: 2
Title of volume:
In Exodum, Qui secundus est liber Moisis
Place of publication: Geneva
Printer of publication: Iohannes Crispinus
Date of publication: 1560
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Plotini Diuini illius e Platonica familia Philosophi
Place of publication: Basel
Printer of publication: Thomas Guerinus
Date of publication: 1559
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Contra octoaginta haereses opus
Place of publication: Basel
Printer of publication: Iohannes Heruagius & Iohannes Oporinus
Date of publication: 1560
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Acta et scripta theologorum wirtembergensium
Place of publication: Wittenburg
Printer of publication: officina haeredum Iohannis Cratonis
Date of publication: 1584
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Assertionum Martini Lutheri confutatio
Place of publication: Cologne
Printer of publication: Eucharius Ceruicornus
Date of publication: 1525
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Solida refutatio compilationis cinglianae
Place of publication: Tübingen
Printer of publication: Georgius Gruppenbachius
Date of publication: 1584
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Summa de potestate ecclesiastica
Place of publication: [Lyons]
Printer of publication: [Petrus Ungarus (Pierre Hongre)]
Date of publication: [not after 1480]
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
Homiliae, sive conciones praestantissimorum Ecclesiae Catholicae doctorum
Place of publication: Cologne
Printer of publication: Maternus Cholius
Date of publication: 1569
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
Title of volume:
The Lawes and Actes of Parliament, maid be King James
Place of publication: Edinburgh
Printer of publication: Robert Waldegrave
Date of publication: 1597
Number of manuscripts represented: 1
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