Subject: Canon Law
Title: Liber sextus decretalium
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Title: Comment. on Codex Justiniani
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Gregorius I
Title: Index to works of Gregory
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Jo. Andreae
Title: Comment. in Sextum librum decretalium
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Johannes Andreae
Title: Comment. in Sextum librum Decretalium
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Guido de Baysio
Title: Comment. in Sextum librum Decretalium
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Index to Decretum Gratiani
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Johannes Andreae
Title: Comment. in Sextum librum decretalium
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Index to Decretum Gratiani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Sextus liber decretalium
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Guido de Baysio
Title: Comment. in Sextum librum Decretalium
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Johannes Andreae
Title: In Sextum librum decretalium
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Johannes Andreae
Title: In Sextum librum decretalium
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Sextus liber decretalium
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Liber sextus Decretalium
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Liber sextus Decretalium
Subject: Medicine
Author of work: Henry of Montpellier (?)
Title: Summa (exc.)
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Index to Decretum Gratiani
Subject: Theology
Title: Index to a theology text
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Johannes Andreae
Title: In Sextum librum decretalium
Subject: Theology
Title: Index to Petrus Lombardus, Sententiae
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Guido de Baysio
Title: In Sextum librum decretalium
Subject: Biblica
Title: Index to Bible
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Johannes Andreae
Title: In Sextum librum decretalium
Subject: Logic
Author of work: Aristoteles
Title: Logic (?Aristotle: text and commentary)
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Index to provincial constitutions
Subject: Theology
Title: Index to Aquinas
Subject: Grammar
Author of work: Alexander de Villa Dei
Title: Doctrinale
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Index to canon law
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Verse
Title: Latin hexameter verses
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Guido de Baysio
Title: Comment. in Sextum librum decretalium
Subject: Civil law
Title: Commentary on the excerpts of Vacarius from Digestum and Codex
Subject: Sermons
Title: Index to a collection of 90 or more homilies
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Liber sextus decretalium
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Classics
Title: Classical text
Subject: Philosophy
Title: Index to Averroes
Subject: Theology
Title: Index to Augustine, De civitate Dei
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Index to canon law
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Johannes Andreae
Title: In Sextum librum decretalium
Subject: Theology
Title: Index to the Sentences of Peter Lombard
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Philosophy
Title: Index or table to a commentary on Aristotle
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Liber sextus decretalium
Subject: Computus
Title: Text and tables on the computus
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Liber sextus decretalium
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Liber sextus Decretalium
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Liber sextus decretalium
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Alexander Nequam
Title: De natura rerum
Subject: Philosophy
Title: Index to a philosophical work
Subject: Grammar
Author of work: Alexander Nequam
Title: De utensilibus; Expositio hymnorum
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Liber sextus decretalium
Subject: Civil Law
Title: Commentary on Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Title: Commentary on Codex Justiniani
Subject: Liturgy
Title: Psalmi (ex Breviario?)
Subject: Common law
Title: Dispensatio Willelmi Larednar ad exercendum officium notarii publici
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Thomas Chillenden
Title: In Sextum librum decretalium
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Sextus liber decretalium
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Sextus liber decretalium cum apparatu Johannis Monachi
Subject: Grammar
Author of work: Alexander Nequam
Title: De nominibus utensilium
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Title: Comment. on Codex Justiniani
Subject: Canon Law
Title: text of canon law
Subject: Canon Law
Author of work: Thomas Chillenden
Title: Comment. in Sextum librum decretalium
Subject: Philosophy
Title: Index to a philosophical work
Subject: Civil Law
Title: Comment. on Codex Justiniani
Subject: Philosophy
Title: Index to a philosophical work
Subject: Philosophy
Title: Index to a philosophical work
Subject: Civil Law
Title: Comment. on Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Theology
Title: Index to a theological work
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Gregory I
Title: Moralia (excerpts)
Subject: Theology
Title: Index to Ps. Chrysostom, Opus imperfectum, &c.
Subject: Biblica
Title: Subject index to biblical passages
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Sextus liber decretalium
Subject: Theology
Title: Index to Epistolae Jeronimi
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Text of canon law
Subject: Index
Title: Index (?)
Subject: Theology
Author of work: Florus Lugdunensis (Ps. Beda)
Title: Collectaneum in epistolas Pauli ex operibus sancti Augustini
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Index to canon law
Subject: Canon Law
Title: Index to canon law
Subject: Civil Law
Title: Commentary on Sext (?)
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Title: Comment. on the excerpts of Vacarius from Digestum and Codex
Subject: Civil Law
Title: Comment. on Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Philosophy
Title: Index to the commentary of Averroes on the Physics
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Philosophy
Author of work: Avicenna
Title: Sextus naturalium
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Title: Commentary on Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Civil Law
Author of work: Justinianus
Title: Codex Justiniani
Subject: Astronomy, Unidentified
Subject: Patristics
Title of work: Epistola de assumptione beatae Mariae virginis ('Cogitis me...')
Author of work: Paschasius Radbert (c.785-c.860)
Place of production: England
Subject: Documentary
Title of work: An agreement between the dean and chapters of York and Lincoln
Place of production: England
Subject: Philosophy
Place of production: England
Subject: Philosophy
Place of production: England
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Psalms
Place of production: England
Subject: Theology
Title of work: Scriptum super libros Sententiarum (Opus Oxoniense)
Author of work: Iohannes Duns Scotus
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Psalms
Place of production: England
Subject: Theology
Title of work: Scriptum super libros Sententiarum (Opus Oxoniense)
Author of work: Iohannes Duns Scotus
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Psalms
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Hebrews
Place of production: England
Subject: Unidentified
Place of production: England
Subject: Unidentified
Place of production: England
Subject: Hagiography
Title of work: Vita et miracula S. Kenelmi (abridged)
Place of production: England
Subject: Medicine
Place of production: England
Subject: Medicine
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Gloss on Hebrews
Author of work: Peter Lombard (d. 1160)
Place of production: England
Subject: Unidentified
Place of production: England
Subject: Law, English Law
Title of work: legal agreement
Place of production: England
Subject: Law, English Law
Title of work: legal agreement
Place of production: England
Subject: Music
Place of production: France
Subject: Law, Civil Law
Title of work: Digestum (Infortiatum), with gloss (unidentified, Accursius?)
Author of work: Justinian
Place of production: Italy
Subject: Law, Civil Law
Title of work: Digestum (Infortiatum), with gloss (unidentified, Accursius?)
Author of work: Justinian
Place of production: Italy
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Gloss on Hebrews
Author of work: Peter Lombard (d. 1160)
Place of production: England
Subject: Astronomy, Unidentified
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Gloss on Hebrews
Author of work: Peter Lombard (d. 1160)
Place of production: England
Subject: Theology
Title of work: Sententiarum libri
Author of work: Peter Lombard (d. 1160)
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Hebrews
Place of production: England
Subject: Unidentified
Place of production: England
Subject: Unidentified
Place of production: England
Subject: Law, Unidentified
Subject: Law, Unidentified
Subject: Natural History
Title of work: Reductorium morale
Author of work: Pierre Bersuire (Petrus Berchorius)
Place of production: England (?or Paris)
Subject: Natural History
Title of work: Reductorium morale
Author of work: Pierre Bersuire (Petrus Berchorius)
Place of production: England (?or Paris)
Subject: Documentary
Title of work: Book-seller's Accounts
Place of production: England
Subject: Liturgy
Title of work: Early missal with hymnal
Place of production: England
Subject: Liturgy
Title of work: Early missal with hymnal
Place of production: England
Subject: Liturgy
Place of production: England
Subject: Liturgy
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Hebrews
Place of production: England
Subject: Documentary
Title of work: List of published books
Place of production: Germany?
Subject: Documentary
Title of work: List of published books
Place of production: Germany?
Subject: Philosophy
Title of work: Metaphysica, tr. William of Moerbeke
Author of work: Aristotle
Place of production: England
Subject: Philosophy
Title of work: Metaphysica, tr. William of Moerbeke
Author of work: Aristotle
Place of production: England
Subject: Documentary
Title of work: legal agreement
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Hebrews
Place of production: England
Subject: Documentary
Title of work: legal agreement
Place of production: England
Subject: Documentary
Title of work: legal agreement
Place of production: England
Subject: Liturgy, Music, Unidentified
Place of production: England
Title of work: Hebrews
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Hebrews
Place of production: England
Subject: Liturgy
Place of production: England
Subject: Documentary
Place of production: England
Subject: Theology
Title of work: Sermones
Place of production: N. Italy
Subject: Music
Place of production: England
Subject: Law, Canon Law
Title of work: Decretals
Author of work: Gregory IX, pope 1227-41
Place of production: N. Italy
Subject: Medicine
Title of work: De oculis
Place of production: S. France or N. Italy
Subject: Medicine
Title of work: De oculis
Place of production: S. France or N. Italy
Subject: Law, Civil Law
Title of work: Digest
Place of production: N. Italy
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Hebrews
Place of production: England
Subject: Documentary
Place of production: England
Subject: Documentary
Place of production: England
Subject: Unidentified
Place of production: England
Subject: Documentary
Place of production: England
Subject: Documentary, Unidentified
Place of production: England
Subject: Medicine
Title of work: Liber urinarum
Author of work: Isaac Israeli (trans. Constantinus Africanus)
Place of production: England
Subject: Medicine
Title of work: Liber urinarum
Author of work: Isaac Israeli (trans. Constantinus Africanus)
Place of production: England
Subject: Law, Civil Law
Title of work: Commentary on the Codex
Place of production: England
Subject: Law, Civil Law
Title of work: Commentary on the Codex
Place of production: England
Subject: Law, Civil Law
Title of work: Commentary on the Codex
Place of production: England
Subject: Law, Civil Law
Title of work: Commentary on the Codex
Place of production: England
Subject: Medicine
Title of work: Liber urinarum
Author of work: Isaac Israeli (trans. Constantinus Africanus)
Place of production: England
Subject: Music
Place of production: England
Subject: Law, Unidentified
Subject: Astronomy, Unidentified
Place of production: England
Subject: Astronomy
Place of production: England
Subject: Theology, Unidentified
Place of production: ?England
Subject: Law, Canon Law
Title of work: Decretum
Author of work: Gratian
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Exodus, with gloss
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Gloss on Hebrews
Author of work: Peter Lombard (d. 1160)
Place of production: England
Subject: Documentary
Place of production: England
Subject: Documentary
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Exodus?, with gloss
Place of production: England
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Psalms
Place of production: France
Subject: Ecclesiastical
Title of work: De beneficiis
Place of production: England
Subject: Ecclesiastical
Title of work: De beneficiis
Place of production: England
Subject: Astronomy, Unidentified
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: 2 Macabees
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Gloss on Hebrews
Author of work: Peter Lombard (d. 1160)
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: 2 Macabees
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: Hebrews, glossed
Place of production: England
Subject: Unidentified
Title of work: unidentified
Place of production: England
Subject: Patristics
Title of work: De immortalitate animae
Author of work: Augustine (354-430)
Subject: Patristics
Title of work: De immortalitate animae
Author of work: Augustine (354-430)
Subject: Law, English Law
Title of work: Tractatus de legibus et consuetudinibus regum Angliae
Author of work: Ranulf de Glanvill (d. 1190) (attrib.)
Place of production: England
Subject: Law, English Law
Title of work: Tractatus de legibus et consuetudinibus regum Angliae
Author of work: Ranulf de Glanvill (d. 1190) (attrib.)
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: 2 Macabees
Place of production: England
Subject: Theology, Unidentified
Title of work: Commentary
Place of production: England
Subject: Theology, Unidentified
Title of work: Commentary
Place of production: England
Subject: Astronomy, Unidentified
Place of production: England
Subject: Liturgy
Title of work: Hours of the Virgin
Place of production: England
Subject: Liturgy
Title of work: Hours of the Virgin
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: 1 Thessalonians (recto); Colossians (verso)
Author of work: St Paul
Place of production: England
Subject: Hagiography
Title of work: Vita S. Iudae Cyriaci (S. Quiriacus)
Place of production: England
Subject: Hagiography
Title of work: Vita S. Iudae Cyriaci (S. Quiriacus)
Place of production: England
Subject: Hagiography
Title of work: Vita S. Felicis Nolani [BHL 2869]
Place of production: England
Subject: Hagiography
Title of work: Vita S. Felicis Nolani [BHL 2869]
Place of production: England
Subject: Hagiography
Title of work: Historia monachorum in Aegypto
Author of work: Rufinus of Aquileia (translator)
Place of production: England
Subject: Canon Law
Title of work: Decretales
Author of work: Gregory IX, pope 1227-41
Place of production: England
Subject: Hagiography
Title of work: Historia monachorum in Aegypto
Author of work: Rufinus of Aquileia (translator)
Place of production: England
Subject: Hagiography
Title of work: Historia monachorum in Aegypto
Author of work: Rufinus of Aquileia (translator)
Place of production: England
Subject: Grammatical
Title of work: Elementarium doctrinae rudimentum
Author of work: Papias
Place of production: England
Subject: Grammatical
Title of work: Elementarium doctrinae rudimentum
Author of work: Papias
Place of production: England
Subject: Bible
Title of work: John (glossed)
Place of production: France (?Paris)
Subject: Theology
Title of work: unidentified (quotations from Augustine)
Place of production: England
Subject: Theology
Title of work: unidentified
Place of production: England
Subject: Canon Law
Title of work: Decretales
Author of work: Gregory IX, pope 1227-41
Place of production: England